Wrote my recent life

Pader2009年3月2日 发表于 我的生活

My English so poor,but anyway、Else what,you can read it,and you can understand it.
I don't know why use title of this articles,It may from feeling..
Like so, life was that life,work was that work,friend was that friend,but heart and think doesn't that think,ever time changed,&every think will changed with it.
Now the time,every friend's mood is very low,I know,Sometime I also do.
For what? I think it's because job, because life, These are unsatisfactory,After all,And compared to a lot of,our lives is just a beginning,Are some of the difficulties encountered, I want to say something,like bon jovi's <It's my life>:"Like franke sad I did it my way.",It's only just a begining.
The future is bright, this not just a word!
We will succeed, I swear...
A lot of time, I have a lot of think to write some to my blog, but when i sitting front of the computer,my heart was empty, may be forget, may be something break it..
Recently, And some friends started to seem cool, I think that's because "Distance is a kind of beauty", If no distance, so.. no beauty was none..
And may be, It's only my think,Perhaps it's only my offer your unrequited love, Yes, It's only my offer your unrequited love...
So, I will return my life, return to my dream, It's not a new start,Do it now..

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